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Nineteen Mukhi Rudraksh


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Nineteen Mukhi Rudraksh

According to Shastra’s

।। दिव्य धुनी मकरंदे परिमल परिभोगा सच्चिदानन्दे श्रीपति पादारविन्दे भवभय खेद्दछिदे वन्दे ।।

By submitting to the Lord’s lotus feet, one gains the blessing of enjoying life in all of one’s endeavors. Lord relieves tension and protects the user from harmful energy. Rudraksha with Nineteen Mukhi: This lovely, four-armed Hindu god is in charge of providing security and nutrition. He had as his celestial consort the goddess Mahalaxmi, who bestows prosperity. He is frequently seen resting on Anant Naag, the five-headed serpent, with Goddess Mahalaxmi sitting close by to tenderly care for him. In the Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram, Lord Vishnu is referred to as both Ananta (the infinite) and Shunya (the zero).

He is therefore the divine force with unlimited virtues and no flaws. When you wear the 19 Mukhi Rudraksha, you may access this energy.

According to the texts, this bead is renowned for satisfying all materialistic wants. The talisman of clarity provides insight into how to manage a successful company. As a result, the wearer receives enormous wealth. This bead empowers the user to engage in any endeavor, whether it is in business, politics, social activism, or another field. The 19 Mukhi Rudraksha reduces stress and protects the user from harmful forces. The Lord Vishnu’s strength is revealed in the Vishnu Shatpadi Stotram, along with the advantages of submitting to his lotus feet in order to be blessed with complete enjoyment of material life.

Wearing a 19 Mukhi Rudraksha has several advantages: Benefits in general The Janardhan Rudraksha is another name for this rudraksha. Lord Vishnu takes the avatar of Janardhan. It is thought to bring the wearer a great deal of luck. The Rudraksha for total material fulfilment is this one. It fosters razor-sharp business acumen and makes it simple and quick to complete all duties. It is claimed to have a great ability to lessen problems brought on by planets. It lessens the damaging effects of the evil eye and envious enemies. Spiritual Benefits: According to the scriptures, this bead cleans, harmonises, and aligns all of the body’s energy centers. like Lord Vishnu’s limitless existence or his capacity to assume multiple forms in various Yugas (dimensions of time).This Rudraksha grants a stress-free, multitasking mind. Success in both mundane and spiritual endeavours is guaranteed. It makes the wearer’s aura stronger. The wearer is shielded from harmful or unfavourable energies. Thus, he is free to enjoy the good life and advance in his spiritual pursuits. Health Advantages: The eyesight and internal organs are reported to greatly benefit from the 19 Mukhi Rudraksha’s powerful strengthening and vision-improving properties. It is beneficial to the heart and stress management.

The Nineteen Mukhi Rudraksha should be worn by: It is great for those who manage really sizable businesses or legal firms or engage in a variety of activities. The person wearing this bead succeeds in challenging tasks of any kind, in politics, in social gatherings, or in any activity requiring a variety of multitasking while maintaining a stress-free lifestyle. The 19 Mukhi Rudraksha regulates the sun’s unfavourable influence. It brings luck to the wearer and satisfies all material needs. It makes business sense more acute. It guarantees that all chores can be completed quickly. As it bears the combined force of Maha Vishnu and the Sun, it is the lucky bead. Vishnu is a shielding force whose grace may quickly permeate all facets of physical reality. He is also an ubiquitous force that permeates everything. The 19 Mukhi’s wearer can multitask, live a stress-free life every second, and develop into a person who consistently draws good fortune. This is their full potential.

Sudarshan Chakra’s life story:

It is well known that Lord Vishnu slew the Daityas (evil entities). The Sudarshan Chakra, which he uses as his preferred weapon, is used for this. In mythology, Lord Shiva himself gives Vishnu this sword as a gift. Lord Vishnu once pleaded with Lord Shiva, who is the ultimate slayer of evil, when he was having trouble defeating the Daityas. When Lord Shiva appeared, he was given the Sudarshan Chakra, a magnificent gold discus with golden sun rays emanating from its spokes.

Each time Lord Vishnu used this potent weapon, hundreds of Daityas were slain. He defeated evil powers in order to maintain life in the three worlds. Lord Vishnu is magnificent, dressed in silk, decked with gold, and holding weapons. Evil is vanquished, and Goddess Mahalaxmi bestows riches wherever she appears. According to popular belief, Lord Vishnu can be reached directly by those who travel the route lighted by the Sudarshan Chakra.



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